Please choose: Neskaupstaður Seyðisfjörður Raufarhöfn Siglufjörður Helguvík

Personal details

Full name:
ID number:
Registered address:
Mobile phone:
Address if other than above:
Town/post code:
Next of kin:
Mobile phone:


Schools attended: Subjects studied: Qualification:


Do you have previous experience of the work for which you are applying? Yes No
Company: Length of employment: Dates of employment:


Last employer :
Name of immediate superior:


Work on shore Work at sea
Permanent position Summer work Part-time work with school
Capelin season Herring season


Available from :


Please note:
Successful applicants may be required to produce a medical certificate and photocopies of educational certificates and other relevant material.


Applicant remarks/comments:

* Sildarvinnslan reserves the right to obtain information on applicants and references from previous employers.