SR-mjöl is marketing for eight Icelandic plants:
> Sildarvinnslan hf, Hafnarbraut 6, 740 Fjarðarbyggð. This plant is on the east coast and can process on average 1000 tonnes per day. It is equipped with two Hetland indirect hot air driers
> Sildarvinnslan hf, Vetrarbraut 12, 580 Siglufjordur. Situated on the north coast, equipped with three Hetland indirect hot air driers.
> Sildarvinnslan hf, Strandvegur 1-11, 710 Seydisfjordur. Situated on the east coast and is equipped with two Hetland indirect hot air driers.
> Sildarvinnslan hf, Stakksbraut 5, Helguvik, 230 Reykjanesbaer. This is the newest plant in Iceland and is situated on the south west peninsula and is equipped with two Hetland indirect hot air driers.
> Skeggey ehf, Kirkjubraut 30, 780 Höfn. This plant on the south east of the country and is equipped with steam dryers.
All of these plants are registered with the Icelandic Fisheries Directorate, which is the official body responsible for production of fishmeal and fish oil.